Sunday, January 6, 2008


So my body feels like I've waited tables all day. I had a basketball shoot in Mint Hill with 34 teams. Each team ranged from 5 to 13 kids. I took 19 teams, so about 150 kids. We had shoots every 15 min. so it was like an assembly line. Basketball isn't as bad as football- I'm speaking about the parents. The kids could care less and are dorky as can be. Trying to get a 11 yr. old to smile is like telling Ella to clean up her mess. So, I just take the picture and in 10 years they can laugh at how stupid they look. Ella was great for my mom. She woke up at 7 this morning and I wasn't happy at all. After Desperate Housewives tonight I'm going to bed. I'm so happy my shows will be back on this week! Ella used the big girl potty again this morning! She lets me know by grunting before she needs to go. Mom got her saying Outie's name today. She said it again before she went to sleep tonight when he curled up next to her. He has become her kitty. He loves her so much. I can't believe how gentle she is with him. And the other way around. I hope he can make it another 5 years. He's 12 almost 13. Well, I'm off to catch my shows. Tomorrow we've got a list of things to do around the house. Hopefully I'll be playing some more with the painting in Ella's room. Mom has done such a great job so far!


  1. You seriously crack me UP!!! I'm still laughing out loud...

    I'll call ya tomorrow, I'm done with my mags for you and I have about a million scrappy ideas all written down on various sticky notes throughout the house that I need to get crackin' on!
