Reading has been one of my passions since I was a little girl. I had hoped to pass this down to my kids, so I began reading to E when she was still in my womb. The day she was born, I began reading Goodnight Moon to her every night before bed. She started reading at 4, but never really got into it. Getting her to read is kind of like making her clean her room... she'll do it, but never without someone telling her to first.
So when I heard our book club book was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I knew I had to get her in on it. She's seen both versions of the movie, so I thought it would be interesting to get her perspective of the book. After the first night, she was hooked. She stayed up past 10 p.m. and fell asleep reading every night for a week.
From the mouth of the babe:
I really liked it!!! It was exciting and really funny. My favorite part was when all the people went through the horrible things, like Augustus who went into the chocolate river and the person who really liked gum but it wasn’t really gum and turned her into a blueberry and when she went to the juicing room she came out blue! And Veruca who always demanded things, the squirrels came and put her down the garbage shoot! (She starts laughing) The book wasn’t like the movie at all. The details were different in the book. I liked the book better cause it was funnier and I could use my imagination.I think I may have just gotten her hooked.
This post was inspired by the classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. To celebrate, Penguin Young Readers Group, in partnership with Dylan’s Candy Bar, the world-famous candy emporium, and First Book, a nonprofit social enterprise that provides books for children from low-income families, is launching a year-long international celebration.
Head over to From Left to Write to learn how you and your child can have a chance to win the Golden Ticket Sweepstakes where the grand prize is a magical trip to New York City plus much more! For every entry submitted, Penguin Young Readers Group will make a donation to First Book. Then, join From Left to Write on July 24 as we discuss Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
congratulations Mom! sometimes it takes just the right book :-)