Here is the press release for the amazing Green Our Earth Contest!! Good luck everyone! :)
In celebration of Earth Day this month, eight award-winning manufacturers of eco-friendly children’s products have announced a first-of-its-kind-collaboration to galvanize green action on Earth Day.
Green-Our-Earth-2011 Contest
For the month of April, green deeds will be celebrated on the collaborative www.Green-Our-Earth-2011.com website and social media channels with a special contest. Participants will receive discount codes to all eight participating company websites and be entered into a raffle to win hundreds of dollars worth of earth-friendly prizes. Winners will be announced on May 1st.
Parents, children and families are invited to send a photo and/or written description of what they are doing to “Green our Earth.”
“It doesn’t matter what it is,” says Goel. “Perhaps it is recycling a can or cardboard box, using organic paper, carpooling, planting a tree, using a re-usable container, riding a bike, spreading the word or even building a solar-powered project or writing local government to promote the creation of a park. We invite YOU to tell US!”
Green Companies Work Together to Cross Promote Products
In response to consumer demand for quality, affordable, green and safe products for their children numerous small companies have sprang up with similar earth conscious values. Unlike the typical business model of the past where companies compete fiercely as they vie for the same customer, these eight companies have decided to work together to promote their products to each other’s customers.
The shared beliefs to inspire imagination and promote the use of recycled, re-usable, organic and fair trade materials are the driving force behind the founders of the participating companies. These companies produce a wide range of children’s products that include eco-friendly toys & dolls, fair trade musical instruments, USA-made wooden blocks, all natural art supplies, stainless steel lunch boxes, eating accessories, eco-coated tablecloths and more.
“As a consumer, I have purchased from all of these companies, so I thought that people who like our products would likely appreciate theirs! Being small companies, we’re not always easy to find, so by working together and sharing our customers I feel we can ultimately reduce the number of products produced without concern for the earth and place safer, earth friendly products into children’s hands. If we accomplish that, we all win!” says Barbera Aimes, founder of ImagiPLAY.
The idea sprang from Malini Goel, founder of Global Green Pals who decided to reach out to this exclusive group of companies leading up to Earth Day. “I am a huge fan of the participating companies because it just goes to show that these change-makers can be successful in business and do the right thing at the same thing,” says Goel. My Grandfather once said, ‘Use your education as broom to clean up Mother Earth and find like-minded people to do it.’ And here we are doing just that - companies and customers working together to promote earth stewardship”.
The sponsors of this year’s “Green Earth 2011” campaign include:
ImagiPLAY – designs and produces high quality toys that connect with nature, have eco-friendly sources, hold educational value, and inspire children’s imaginations. www.imagiplay.com
Global Green Pals™ - a line of award-winning, eco-friendly educational dolls including “Clean Air Kate” and “Recycle Kyle” that come with “green tips” for kids. Dolls are stuffed with 100% post-consumer plastic PET bottle stuffing and are made with organic cotton while the company also gives back to 1% for the Planet. www.globalgreenpals.com
Eco-kids® - a family business that produces handmade art supplies using non-toxic, all-natural ingredients including eco-dough, eco-paint and more. Their motto: creative play the natural way! www.ecokidsusa.com
Mimi the Sardine –makes earth- and family-friendly, playful eating accessories for children, along with beautiful eco-coated tablecloths. Fabrics are spill-resistant, machine-washable, meet the Oeko-Tex 100 standards, and are made with organic cotton. www.mimithesardine.com
Kids Konserve – a company that is greening the way lunches and snacks are packed. Using waste-free lunch kits and eco-cool reusable lunch/snack products, Kids Conserve teaches kids to re-use rather than throw out foil, plastic baggies and the like. www.kidskonserve.com
Uncle Goose – the maker of fabulous blocks that are handcrafted in the USA using renewable forest wood and non-toxic colors, including Uncle Goose’s famous alphabet and number blocks. www.unclegoosetoys.com
LunchBots - makers of stainless steel lunch, snack, and bento containers that are completely plastic-free and aim to reduce waste and the impact that plastic has on our environment through the use of the highest quality 18/8 stainless steel. www.lunchbots.com
JAMTOWN –carries a wide variety of hand-crafted, indigenous musical instruments that bring the joyful experience of hands-on music and art to children, families, and music lovers of all ages. www.jamtown.com
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