Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Children's Book Giveaway Ideas

I know some of you don't have children and so far this week I've only done children's book reviews. If you don't have a young one running around, you can always enter and if you win you can donate them to your local libraries, schools, children that you see crying in a store and need a distraction, save for gifts, or take to a family in need. Books are always welcome and passing along the message of loving our planet is just as important as planting trees and recycling. It's important to bring awareness for there to be change!! I took one of the books I will be reviewing tomorrow to the DMV today and 3 people wrote down the title so they could learn more. It's all about getting the message out there, and it can start with you!! :)


  1. Those are some wonderful ideas that I never would have thought of. I have a soon to be great granddaughter, but I can also share elsewhere. Thank you.
    Marj M.
