Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pool day

Ella woke up at 5 this morning, so I brought her to bed with me. I fell back asleep to wake back up to her talking to the tv. So I turn it off. She then rolls all over me. I took her back to her bed at 6:45 just to wake up 30 minutes later. Not fun! We got to the pool shoot at 8. Which was a lot of fun. I ran into some old customers of mine at PP and gave them my card. I loved this family. Ella kept calling the pool, "ocean" and kept saying, "down. Ocean!" One of the mom's picked her up and walked her around the pool as I packed up. She asked how old Ella was and said she was really verbal. Apparently she kept saying, "bye bye Nemo. Ocean!" I then decided I wanted to go to the pool today. I talked to the people at Raintree and the only way you can swim is to be a member or be with one. I came home and called everyone I knew with a pool and no luck. I looked into getting a membership at the Y and have some assistance paperwork to fill out. If I can get one under $20 it'd be worth it. Stephanie called me back and said we could use her pool. I called Morgan and she and Ari met us out there. The babies had so much fun in the water. Ella was kicking and trying to "teach" Ari how to. More like boss him around. He had a toy she wanted and she yelled at him, "LET GO!" She is too funny. Morgan said she's either going to be really liked in school or totally hated. So true. I see a queen bee in the making. We moved the babies into the baby pool while we laid out, responsibly. Ella stuck her face under water which surprised me. We got home and I put her in the bath. Other than that, we haven't done much else. Here are some pool pics!