Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Easter Bunny about didn't come

So I was about to boycott the Easter bunny because of Ella's behavior. But then decided she wouldn't know the difference and I already spent the money, sooo... I would have done just about anything for a xanex or valium or even a plane ticket yesterday. She was a BRAT! She would run to something she knew she wasn't supposed to be into... say no and do it anyways. Then wouldn't listen when I said no, not when I yelled, not when I popped her hand or put her in time out. She was just defiant. Mom was busy installing a screen door and new locks in my living room, so she couldn't take over so I could breathe. I hope this is as bad as it gets until she reaches the teens. I don't think I can handle anything more.

Today was a MUCH better day. We met Steve, Rachael and Brian at 5 Guys for Steve's b-day lunch. Then we came back here for an Easter egg hunt. Ella did really well. She loved finding the eggs and breaking them open. Afterwards, we went to Rachael's to hang out. Ella found a pair of sunglasses and turned into a rockstar. They were loose and kept falling off, so she would put her hand up to push them back. It was hilarious. We then went to Rach's parents house to have cake. Then headed home to relax and play with her new toys. No candy from this Easter bunny. Well, I'm beat and ready for bed. Hope everyone had a great Easter!


  1. Her pics are adorable, yours too! Happy Birthday Steve... maybe he can help with our yard and earn some moolah...
